We believe that missions support and involvement find their beginnings in the heart of God himself.
As Jesus followers we discover our purpose for life in the Great Commission of our Lord as given in Matthew 28:18-20 wherein Jesus said, " ... All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Because of these scriptural teachings missions involvement and support are not optional for us. As such, we offer multiple opportunities for all age groups within our church, community, and region to engage in missions outreach and join God where he is working.
We welcome you to partner with us that we might reach the world for Jesus together.
Our Girls in Action (GA’s) Group meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month during the school calendar year. The girls learn about missions all over the world and engage in missions projects both locally and internationally. This program is designed for girls in grades K – 7. Our leaders are Linda Sikorski, Sandy Collins, Linda Hillman & Edna Keith
Our Woman's Missionary Union is extremely active and heavily involved in many outreach programs in our community, region, and around the world. We are connected to the WMUV (Woman's Missionary Union of Virginia which affirms that women are leaders in the church, called by God, commissioned by Christ, led by the Holy Spirit, with a strong, noble heritage (WMUV). Empowered by our mission, values, and heritage, we pledge to support all people, especially women and girls, as they live out their diverse and unlimited vocations. Through the study and exposition of scripture, public advocacy, mentorship, networking, inclusive language, careful dialogue, proactive speech, seminary scholarships, and influence on pastoral search committees and nominating boards, we will encourage and continue to develop the leadership of women and girls in all spheres and at all levels of church life.
WMUV partners with Virginia Baptist Women in Ministy which is an association of persons, both women and men, lay and professional, who perceive what they do as Christian Ministry, and who seek to provide an avenue for mutual support, encouragement and empowerment. As such, it provides a network for support and community, offers opportunities for self-understanding, and creates awareness.
Our WMU leaders are Linda Hillman & Sandy Collins.
Royal Ambassadors (RAs) is a Bible-centered, church-based missions education organization for boys in grades 1-6.
RAs embraces the relationship between a young man and his call to mission. The RA Motto, “We are Ambassadors for Christ,” not only gives the organization its name, but also gives the boys and leaders a lifestyle goal. This motto is taken from Scripture, specifically 2 Corinthians 5:20. This Scripture passage describes the purpose of Royal Ambassadors. While the RA motto is found in verse 20, the other verses sum up Paul’s declaration of why we need to be ambassadors for Christ.
We are currently looking for men to step up and lead in this program.
Our leaders are Wilbur Craft & Randy Hillman.
Our men, women, and teens are heavily involved in disaster relief and rebuilding efforts both locally and abroad.
Our partnerships with the Baptist General Association of Virginia (see https://bgav.org/ and https://bgavdr.org/ ) and other organizations enable us to reach out to our fellowman during times of natural disaster and share the love of Jesus Christ in unique and exciting ways.
Our efforts include tree removal during hurricanes & storms, flood recovery, mass feeding, counseling, & rebuilding.
At the current time we are focusing on rebuilding efforts in the the Hurley, VA area that was recently devastated by flooding.
If you are interested in partnering with us in any or all of these efforts please let us know.
Each year the Youth / Adults of our church always engage in an intensive week of missions engagement in the middle of June.
We also have missions groups working throughout our county and region on a weekly basis. If you are interested in partnering with us in these efforts please let us know.
When we're not engaged in feeding and recovery efforts elsewhere we are involved both locally and regionally in construction projects through the Southwest Virginia Partnership, Inc.
Many of these projects involve various types of home repair and the construction of handicap ramps to assist the elderly and those in desperate need of a hand-up.
For more information on the Partnership please visit our website: https://www.swvpartnership.org/
Throughout the year we partner with, host, and assist other groups from across Virginia and beyond who travel to our region to assist others.
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